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Computer Assisted Lottery Picks
Program (c) Copyright 1993, SPORTSware. All Rights Reserved.
Other Materials (c) Copyright 1993, Villa Crespo Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Now there's a scientific way to play the lottery. This unique computer program
calculates all the odds and helps pick your numbers for you, based on
previous winnng numbers and probability. Whatever game you like to play,
WEEKLY WINNER will pick your entries.
This program is the result of years of analysis of winning lottery numbers.
Most expert probability analysts will tell you that each occurrence of an
event is unrelated to past or future occurrences. Therefore, the winning
numbers for a particular lottery cannot be extrapolated from the previous ones.
If those statements are true, then why WEEKLY WINNER? We agree with those
statements, but we've discovered some amazing things about random events,
at least as they relate to lottery drawings. The rest of this manual will
explain our findings and show you how to use this program to greatly enhance
your odds of picking a winner--hopefully a very big winner.
After spending countless hours, days and even months gathering and entering
previous winning numbers into data files, writing program code to manipulate
that data, and studying the resulting output, the first thing we discovered
is this: Huge amounts of data only tend to produce muddy, uninspiring
printouts, while short databases produce striking results.
Here's an example. A database of 200 previous winners produces a frequency
distribution bar chart that shows numbers that in that time period all seem
to occur relatively the same number of times. Nothing really stands out.
Using the same data for only the last 20 drawings presents you with quite a
different picture. You can see numbers that occurred far more frequently
han others in that time period and numbers that have not come up at all, as
well as numbers occurring at several levels between. Short databases produce
more usable output than huge ones, and they're easier to set up.
That's Principle #1: Short databases produce more useful information than
long ones.
Principle #2: You can accurately describe a winning number. Here's an
example: In the Ohio 6-digit lottery the numbers range from 1 to 47. My
description of the next winner is: It will be 6 different numbers between 1
and 47. This will prove to be 100% accurate every time. The problem is
it's a little too vague. We need to get a little more specific.
We're going to see how we can get to the point where, by using WEEKLY WINNER,
we can confidently say things like this about the next drawing:
* The winning number will have more odd than even numbers.
* Each digit of the number will fall within a certain range.
* Specific numbers have a high probability of appearing.
* The sum of the numbers will fall within a specific range.
* Specific sets of numbers will NOT appear.
* Specific number patterns can be eliminated.
We are going to look at each option from the WEEKLY WINNER menu and explain
what it does, how the program uses it and how you can use it.
NOTE: Throughout this text you will see references to the [ENTER] key and
[ESC] key and various menu items. If you have a mouse you can use it to
select menu items by placing the mouse cursor over the item and pressing the
left mouse button. The left mouse button is equivalent to pressing [ENTER]
on the keyboard. Clicking the right mouse button is the same as pressing the
[ESC] key. In most instances pressing the right mouse button will cause the
menu to be displayed.
When you execute the program, you will see the title screen. This screen
contains a menu that allows you to select the lottery file you wish to load.
WEEKLY WINNER supports 3-, 4- ,5- ,6- and 7-digit lotteries. The numbers in
those lotteries can range from the number 0 up to the number 70.
Select the lotto you want to play. Highlight the number you want by using
the arrow keys or mouse, then press [ENTER] or the left mouse button to load
the file. Alternately, you can just press the number. For example, to select
the 6-digit lotto, press the 6 key.
There is a "dummy" file for each lotto on the original disk. These files
must be available on the default drive and in the default directory for the
program to function properly. Eventually, you will replace the dummy data
with numbers from the lottery you are playing.
After the data file is loaded, you have the option to set the highest and
lowest numbers used for that specific lotto. You should only need to do
this one time. For example, if you select the 6-digit lotto, you will see
that the data file is set up with 1 as the lowest number and 47 as the
highest. In Florida the lowest number is 1 but the highest is 45. Here's
how to change it.
1. Press [Y] at the prompt to define the limits.
2. Reset the lowest number to one.
. Set the highest number to 45 instead of 47.
4. Verify that you have the correct numbers and press [ENTER].
You are now set up properly for Florida. For other states follow the same
simple procedure, substituting your lowest and highest numbers. As stated
before, you only need to define the limits one time. In future use, just
press any key except [Y] at this prompt to bypass it.
All program functions are described here in the same order that they appear
on the menu. All options can be called at any time. This allows you to
display the information in any order, overlay windows on top of each other
and create custom printouts.
[1] Chronological Order
This option will display the winners entered into the database. All even
numbers will be displayed in one color and all odd numbers in another if you
are using a color monitor. At the top of the display window the number of
odd and even numbers in the entire database are displayed.
[2] Column Highs and Lows
This window displays the current highest and lowest number to occur in each
column. If you sort the numbers from lowest to highest, you will see that
patterns develop. For example, in the 6-digit database supplied with this
disk, the lowest number to appear in column 1 is 1. The highest is 21. Any
bet you make with a lowest number higher than 21 would appear to be a real
longshot, because our data points out that no number higher than 21 has
appeared in that position. The same logic applies to the other columns too.
[3] Column Averages
This window shows the average of all the numbers in the database in each
column. This figure is arrived at by adding together all numbers in a column
and then dividing that sum by the number of entries in the database. You
will see that, more times than not, one of these average numbers will appear
in a winning bet.
[4] Repeaters and Connectors
This window displays the most recent winner entered in the database. These
numbers are referred to as repeaters because, more often than not, one of
them will appear again in the next set of winning numbers.
Connectors are numbers on either side of each repeater. For example, let's
say that the winners of the last draw were 1, 4, 18, 27, 39, and 53. The
repeaters are 1, 4, 18, 27, 39, and 53--the same numbers. The connectors are
2, 3, 5, 17, 19, 26, 28, 38, 40 and 52--the numbers from either side of each
repeater. Our studies show that, more often than not, one of these specific
numbers will be in the next winning set.
[5] Average Column Difference
This window displays the average difference between the numbers in each
column of the winning numbers in the database. This short example shows
how these averages are arrived at:
If the last 3-digit winner was 2, 4, and 9, then the difference between the
first and second numbers (4 minus 2) is 2. The difference between the second
and third number is 5 (9 minus 4). these differences are calculated for each
of the winners in the database, added together and divided by the number of
[6] Frequency Chart
This option will display a bar chart on the screen showing graphically how
many times each number has occurred. This allows you to easily pick out the
least and most frequently occurring numbers as well as everything between
without wading through tons of numerical data. There are many ways to use
this information to select number combinations to bet.
Some people believe you should bet on the most frequently picked numbers.
Others bet on the least frequent because they are overdue. Our experience
says mix them upùtwo from the top, two from the middle and two from the
bottom. As you play and study this chart, you will form your own opinion.
Sorted Frequency Chart
This option will display a bar chart on the screen showing graphically how
many times each number has occurred, sorted in ascending order. In every
other respect, it is the same as the other frequency chart described above.
[7] Show Patterns
This unique way of looking at the previous winning numbers shows the pattern
the winning numbers make when plotted in the following manner:
1. Each actual winning number is represented by an asterisk (*).
2. Each number between winning numbers is represented by a dot (.).
3. Regardless of the number, the first number is always plotted in the
first column.
For example, the actual Ohio 5-digit lotto winner for 12/15/92 was 9, 14, 19,
21, 27; for 12/18/92 it was 11, 13, 18, 26, 36.
Their patterns are:
9 14 19 21 27 11 13 18 26 36
| | | | | | | | | |
*....*....* .*.....* *.*....*.......*.........*
Using this simple technique it is possible to study and draw some conclusions
about the way winning numbers might come up regardless of what the numbers are.
When a large number of patterns are analyzed you will draw some conclusions
about how winning numbers come up patternwise. For example, we have
concluded that in the 3- and 4-digit lottos, patterns often repeat, while in
5-, 6- and 7-digit lottos, betting patterns that have already appeared is a
waste of money. They rarely repeat in those lottos.
You will also notice that one pattern represents several number combinations.
If a pattern rarely repeats, then you can safely eliminate ALL of the number
combinations the pattern represents as extreme longshots. Think about it!
In WEEKLY WINNER, the patterns are presented in three ways:
Chronological Order: This window shows you the pattern of each previous
winner in order of its appearance in the database.
Number Proximity: This window shows the patterns in order according to how
close the asterisks are to each other, regardless of what the numbers
actually are.
Pattern Length: This window shows the patterns in order according to how
long the patterns are, regardless of what the numbers are.
[8] Sums Analysis
A sum for each winner is arrived at by adding all of the numbers that make
up the winner. If the winning numbers are 1, 4, 18, 27, 39 and 44, the sum
is 133.
The lowest possible sum in our example is 21. That would be the sum of 1, 2,
3, 4, 5 and 6 as the winning numbers.
The highest possible sum is 303, the total of 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53, the
highest numbers that could come up.
Experience tells us to place bets within the current range because that's
where the next winner is most likely to end up. This range, will
occasionally shift up and down as extremely high or low numbers come up, but
for the most part the numbers will stay in bounds.
[9] Analyze Last Winner
This screen presents data related to the PROFILE BET (explained in the next
section). It is a scorecard of sorts. The top portion shows the repeaters,
connectors, column averages, expected number of odd and even numbers,
expectations about the sums, and column ranges that the program used to pick
profile bets before the most recent winner was known.
The lower section shows the most recent winner and the repeaters, connectors
and column averages that came up. It also shows if the winner had the
odd/even ratio, sum, and column ranges expected.
Below that, a profile fit percentage is given. This number shows how well
the most recent winner fit the profile. See the section below on the profile
bet for a full explanation.
[0] Print Menu
At some point you will probably want to copy some data or suggested bets to
your printer. To do this, just press the [0] (zero) key on your keyboard.
Because WEEKLY WINNER gives you such freedom in setting up the screen
displays any way you want, you can use the screen print feature to hardcopy
any of the displays you wish. If you select this option by mistake, just
press [A], [ENTER] or the right mouse button to leave the print menu without
The print menu options are:
1. PRINT SCREEN: Sends the current screen display to the printer.
2. PRINT PATTERNS: Prints all of the patterns in the order you last
displayed them.
3. PRINT WINNERS: Prints the database in chronological order.
4. ABORT: Leave the print menu and go to the main menu.
To abort printing while printing, press [ENTER].
[F1] Toggle Menu Width
Pressing [F1] will cause the main operating menu to appear in the upper left
corner of the screen. If ever you are not quite sure how to call up a
specific piece of information, press [F1] to see the menu. Pressing [ENTER]
will also bring up the menu in most cases, as will pressing the right mouse
Pressing [F1] will also change the menu from its full width display to its
hot-key-only display. Once you are familiar with the menu, you may wish to
use the hot-key-only display so you can see more information on the screen at
one time.
[F2] Remove Last Window
To remove the last window called up, just press [F2].
Note that some of the displays are full-screen. Pressing [F2] immediately
after displaying these screens has no effect.
[F3] Clear Screen
If you've been laying window on top of window and are getting confused,
just press [F3]. This will clear the screen and place the menu in the upper
left corner.
[F4] Add Data
The primary purpose of this function is to enter new winning numbers into the
database after a drawing to keep the database current.
If you are using this program for the first time, you will want to enter the
winners for your state. If you have them all together, you can enter them in
one short sitting. If not, just enter as many as you can and update it as you
If you press [F4] by mistake, you can escape back to the main menu by
pressing [ESC] at the prompt.
You may enter each set of winning numbers in any order but the program will
sort them in ascending order. At the prompt, enter a number and press [ENTER].
You will then be prompted for the next number. Press [ENTER] after each number.
The program does check to see if the numbers you enter are within the upper
and lower limits (e.g., 1-53) and that you have entered the correct number
of numbers (e.g., 6 numbers for the 6-digit database). If you have made an
input error, you will be prompted to redo the current entry. No harm will
be done to the database.
When you are done updating the data, enter 99 as the first number. The 99
tells the program you want to quit entering data. The database on the disk
will be automatically updated and you will see the menu reappear. If you
have entered the maximum number of entries, the oldest previous winner is
discarded and each of the remaining winners moves up one position in the
file, with the oldest being in position 1 and the newest entry in the last
[F5] Edit an Entry
This function allows you to select a specific previous winner from the
database and change it.
If you press [F5] by mistake, just press [ESC] to exit the function.
If you really want to edit one of the entries, use the up and down arrow
keys to highlight the number of the entry you want to edit. When the correct
number appears, press [ENTER]. From this point on, this function works like
function 9 except that only one entry is changed and the entries do not
change position. The data file is automatically updated when you exit this
[F6] Suggested Bets
This program will suggest 5 different types of bets. You do not have to use
these bets--they're really just suggestions.
THE SEMI RANDOM BET: Under this method, the program will randomly select
numbers to make up a bet, but use only numbers that are within the current
column ranges. For example, if 1 is the lowest and 20 is the highest number
to appear in column 1, then 20 is the highest number that will ever appear
in the first position of any semi-random bet this program will generate. The
same applies to the other columns too.
As you use the program, you will see how infrequently the column ranges
change! That means bets that conform to the current column highs and lows
are much more likely to contain winners than not.
THE RANDOM BET: You guessed it! This is the same as letting a lotto machine
pick your numbers for you.
THE WHEEL BET: For the benefit of those who believe in HOT numbers, the wheel
only picks numbers that have come up in the last 10 drawings. All others are
THE PROFILE BET: This is the most restrictive bet of them all. But if a
winner fits the profile, as they do more often than not, the results could
be enriching!
To pick a bet for the profile, the computer uses virtually all of the
information in the database. Each profile bet suggested will contain the
following items.
A Repeater: Why? Most winners contain a repeater.
A Connector: Ditto!
A Column Average: More often than not, an average shows up.
A Pair: Each bet will contain a pair of numbers, such as 3, 4 or 23, 24 or
41, 42.
Column Range: All numbers suggested will fit within the current column ranges.
Sum Range: The sum of each bet will be within the current limits.
Based on the number of odd and even numbers in the entire database, you
should check your bet to go with the underdog. If more even numbers have
come up than odd, place bets with more odd than even numbers in them. This
is the only factor the profile bet does not check itself.
THE COMPOSITE BET: Many times 5 or 6 of the winning numbers appear in the
4 bets listed above, but not all in 1 bet. For example, the semi-random bet
may have 2 of the numbers, the wheel 2 and the profile 2. To capitalize on
this we've added the composite bet.
This bet takes all of the numbers suggested by the first four bets and then
creates a new bet made up of only numbers appearing in those four bets.
Betting Strategy
Each time you press the [F6] key, 5 new possible bets will be selected. You
can do this forever, but after the 99th press the computer starts counting
from 1 again even though it is still producing new combos.
Each of the methods used to suggest bets is different. They range from the
plain shot in the dark (the RANDOM) to a method with extremely rigid
requirements (the PROFILE). On the whole, they produce a wide variety of
number combinations. Don't forget, we're trying to beat odds that range from
999 to 1 (3-digit) to several million to one. It pays to cover as many bases
as possible.
The most important strategy to remember is this: DON'T BET WITH MONEY YOU
CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE! Play the lotto. Enjoy it. But don't count on ever
winning the big one. If it happens, great! If it doesn't, so what? You were
in the game.
[F7] Lift Page
When you press [F7], the last window displayed is removed to reveal what was
displayed underneath it. The program then waits for you to press a key or
mouse button. At that point the "lifted" image is replaced. In short, this
is like lifting one piece of paper off of your desk to see information on the
paper underneath it and then laying the top paper back down. Pressing [L]
will also lift the page.
[F8] Files
When you are finished using WEEKLY WINNER, press [F8]. This will bring up
the little menu you saw when you first started the program. From this point
you can load another database or exit to DOS.
To load another database, highlight the correct one and press [ENTER].
Alternately, press the number which corresponds to the file you want to load.
To exit to DOS, highlight the word QUIT and press [ENTER], press [Q], or
highlight the word QUIT and press the left mouse button. If you do not
want to load a new database or exit to DOS, press the [ESC] key or the right
mouse button and the main menu will appear.
[F9] On-Line Help
You can receive an abbreviated description of each menu item while you are
running WEEKLY WINNER by pressing [F9] and then selecting the item you want
help with. To exit the help menu, press [ESC] or the right mouse button.
[F10] Quit
To exit to DOS, press the [F10] key or press the left mouse button while
pointing to F10 on the main menu. You will be asked if you want to quit.
Click on [Y]ES or press [Y] if you want to exit the program or any other key
to continue. Pressing [Q] will also access this function.
WEEKLY WINNER contains its own screen saver module. It is not activated by
keyboard or mouse inactivity but must be chosen from the menu or activated by
a hot key. To activate the screen saver press [B] or click the left mouse
button while highlighting this menu option.
To deactivate the screen saver and return to WEEKLY WINNER, press any key or
mouse button or just move the mouse.
You will notice as you study the patterns that you can break them into groups
such as short, medium and long, and that some similar patterns seem to come
up more often than others (such as patterns where the first 2 numbers are 3
digits apart). The computer provides you with all the information you need
to create pattern bets for the next drawing. Just follow these steps:
1. Examine the NUMBER PROXIMITY data and see if some similar
patterns are coming up more than others. Especially look at the
relationship of the first two asterisks to each other. You may find, for
example, that patterns where the first two asterisks are 2 digits apart
come up 18% of the time. You should probably have a bet that
starts that way.
2. Look at the PATTERN LENGTH data and decide what length patterns
are coming up the most often. You'll want to have a bet in that
3. Create a pattern. If you are playing the 3- and 4-digit lottos you will
probably want to use a pattern that has been coming up a lot
because these patterns often repeat. In the 5-, 6-, and 7-digit lottos
you will be better off creating a pattern that is similar to one that has
come up but not exactly the same. We have noticed that in these
higher-number lottos, the patterns rarely repeat.
Follow these simple steps to create pattern bets:
1. Select PATTERN BETS from the menu.
2. Use the arrow keys to select one of the existing patterns. Select this
from the menu to get a pattern.
3. If you wish to modify the pattern, press [Y], if not press [N]. If you
choose No, go to number 6.
4. If you chose Modify, you can now change the pattern by using the
left and arrow keys to position the pointer under the pattern. Press
the [SPACEBAR] to change the state of the highlighted element. For
example, if the pointer is pointing to a DOT (.) and you press the
[SPACEBAR], the DOT changes to an ASTERISK (*). In this manner you
can create new patterns. Beneath the pattern, a message appears
to tell you if the current pattern exists in the database or if it is
5. Use a pattern. Select this option after you have the pattern you want.
6. Now the numbers are selected. Use the up and down arrow keys to cycle
through all of the legal bets that fit that pattern. When you see one
you like, select p to send it to your printer. During the cycling, a
message will appear in the lower portion of the window to tell you if
matching set of numbers appears in the database.
Before you select PATTERN BETS from the menu, you may want to display the
the screen so you can include some of them in your bets.
To toggle the sound effects on or off, press [S] on your keyboard or click
the left mouse button while highlighting this option on the menu. A notice
of the sound state will briefly display mid-screen.